Category: personal

  • The future of the coffee web…

    The Future of the Coffee Web

    I have seen the future of the specialty coffee web…

    and it’s JimSeven.Com

    Sure, I have been webbing or blogging for 12+, almost 13 years.
    The new generation of coffee savvy writers have taken the World-wide-web and its readers to a totally new place.

    There was a time, not so long ago, that I viewed (with suspicion) a few of the competing specialty-coffee sites. It was not so long ago that there we were a handful of sites. Now there are more.

    Many more.

    And I take great comfort in the quality of these blogs and the positive energy of the writers and hosts.

    So much so… that if I quit tomorrow, I know that the audience for these websites and blogs would be in good hands.

    Good hands indeed.

    But I am not done… just yet.

  • Quiet day in land…

    My eldest Uncle died last night.

    Our thoughts go out to his widow Monica and their family…

    My Mom… and my remaining Uncle.

    Tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of 9/11/01

    I have been feeling (as well as many friends and loved ones), kind of creeped out by all the wierd and wacky stuff that has been going on in the World the last few monthes.

    Call me crazy, but I get the wierd feeling something really bad is going to happen tomorrow.

    Like I said.

    Call me crazy.

  • Take the coffeecrew challenge and stop drinking coffee.

    its holiness - the flying spaghetti monsterAs mentioned over on the homepage

    I have been working downward (in my consumption habits) toward zero coffee consumption.

    I know. I know. The looks I have been getting since I started this adventure. Dude you are the coffee guy. You. Coffee. You are inseparable. No Coffee. No Colin.

    Oh well.

    Anyway. I would like to experience a coffee free body.

    I tried this once before. Suddenly actually. And the results were less than pretty.

    Picture me writhing on the floor in agony.
    Flu-like symptoms.

    Purple Spiders crawling down the melting walls of my cage.
    And that was day 2.

    I lasted about 5 or 6 days before the blinding headaches became
    That first cup after 7 days away from the bean was like drinking a combination of liquid treacle laced with Afghani heroin.

    The relief flowed through my body like a warm tropical rain…
    and faster than a morphine epidural.

    Caffeine. This stuff is nasty. I am getting off of it (at least in this form) for a couple of monthes.
    Don’t worry reader It is not forever.

  • 12 years on.

    Had a wonderful 12th wedding anniversary dinner at the Deep Cove Chalet restaurant with my bride.

    We are in the middle of a hot spell and we got to sit on the patio by the water. Surrounded by their wonderful flower and herb gardens, all explosively in bloom, we could not have had a better experience anywhere.

    Do not get me wrong folks. This is not an ad for a restuarant.
    This is public service announcement for marriage.

    Not just ours, but anyones.
    Or anyone who is in love.

    And anyone who is as in love as I am will know what I am talking about. If there is someone special in your life, let them know. Do something special for them. A random act of kindness is good too.

    It does not have to be a nice restuarant or a shiny gift either.

    Turn to the one you love right now and tell them how you feel.

    Do it now or your keyboard will burst into flames, I promise you.

    All alone and unhappy? Keep looking. There is someone out there for everyone. I am not kidding.

    I waited a long time for the right partner. A long time.
    Love has no expiry date. Seriously.

    Oh, and by the way – the restaurant is a knock-out. If you are ever in Victoria, on Vancouver Island, make sure you consider the Deep Cove Chalet as a spot to stop.
