There are few things more fun than the simplicity of a great recipe that whips up quick and satisfies unconditionally.
And for those of you that say, “…hang on! Avocado in a dessert, are you crazy?”
Avocado is a tasty and healthy way to add incredible texture to a pudding or dessert. Trust me.
This dessert comes together quickly with the Vitamix – its texture is Bistro quality and the taste is out of this World!
Let’s go!
Count them – 5 ingredients
2 Avocados, ripe (of course!)
Refrigerated 1/2 cup Almond (or Soy or Oat milk, unsweetened…)
1/2 cup Maple syrup
1/2 cup Cocoa powder, unsweetened
1 tsp Vanilla extract
Garnish – Mint, Chocolate shavings, fresh fruit… Use you imagination.
Place all of the ingredients into a food processor and blend on high until the ingredients have broken down.
Give the pudding a good stir and continue blending until very smooth and creamy. Taste and adjust according to personal preference.
Garnish with shredded dark chocolate, a sprig of mint or a fresh strawberry.
Serves 4 people
Short and sweet – you are welcome!
Colin Newell is a Victoria resident and writer of words, recipes, kitchen inspirations and adult libations. His treatise on the edible and drinkable have populated these parts since the mid-1990’s. Dig in and enjoy.