Staying sharp, on the edge, where you have to be – with Cutluxe knives.

Life is a series of celebrations, transitions, reflections and predictions. And if all these things have one thing in common it would be the daily cooking rituals that we look forward to.

For me, the food experience is 1 part doing to 2 parts preparation to 4 parts planning. It is a rhythm as reliable as gravity and predictable as the sunrise.

After all, the gathering of ingredients and culinary creation is a major part of everyone’s life.

Let’s face it, we need to eat. The process of these things take time. And in a life as rushed as it is, there is no reason on Earth that the tools should have any form of compromise.

It is no coincidence that our country kitchen has the most hardware in it. Whether it is a reliable gas stove, a tireless refrigerator, kitchen accessories like a VitaMix and an Instant Pot, well thought out work surfaces and kitchen tools… like knives. The kitchen is the hub of all things.

Because in the midst of the food experience, it often comes down to you and the blade that you hold in your hand.
A steady hand and a well balanced Chef’s knife, paring or cleaver – regardless of which, there is no room for error or sacrifice.

We had the opportunity recently to sample a blade or two from Cutluxe – knowing full well that there are few people harder on cutting implements than I am, I was more than happy to accept a paring knife from the Artisan series.
I found the Cutluxe knives were well packaged and razor sharp out of the box. The paring knife has great balance and weight and feels good in my right hand. After 2 – 3 weeks of steady sous chef duty (lots and lots of veg!), I put the blade under my microscope and noted, at most, 1 or 2 microchips in the steel – and not yet ready for a sharpening with my Steel.

In my kitchen I am a pretty dedicated Wusthof and Henckels user – so trying something different was refreshing. I enjoyed the Cutluxe knife enough that I would not hesitate to sample some more of their products.