Toronto’s police chief is now admitting there never was a five-metre rule that had people fearing arrest if they strayed too close to the G20 security perimeter.
Come again? You mean, this shit was made up?
Civil libertarians and other bleeding heart liberals like yours truly were fuming like a mis-tuned diesel after hearing Friday that the Ontario cabinet gave police the power to stop and search anyone coming within five metres of the G20 fences in Toronto for a one-week period. And it turned to be a lie. Bogus.
The Ministry of Community Safety claims all the cabinet did was update the law that governs entry to such places as court houses to include specific areas inside the G20 fences — not outside. Not outside the wall!
A ministry spokesperson declared the change was about property, not police powers, and did not include any mention of a 5 meter exclusion zone.
Asked Tuesday if there was a 5 meter rule, given the ministry’s clarification, Chief Bill Blair said, “No, but I was trying to keep the criminals out.”
F*ck me.
Premier Dalton McGuinty has some explaining to do methinks.
The public was left to believe the province had given officers the power to demand identification and detain anyone within 15 feet of the G20 site.
Damn. How I wish I could just make shit up like this.
All weekend there were reports of police stopping people throughout downtown Toronto — often in areas nowhere near the G20 zone — demanding identification and to search bags and backpacks. Each incidence a violation of fundamental Charter rights.
I want my country back and I want it back now! This is fricking stressful and I do not like the feeling.
Do yourself a favor folks – do not get down on the Toronto PD – because those men and women were not the weasels in riot gear that took pleasure in putting boots to peaceful folks. The riot cops, wherever they came from, would be psychologically unfit for regular duty in any detachment or precinct. God help the family and friends of riot cops – because many of them are obviously demented.
Canada day is coming – and remember, as we celebrate freedom in Victoria B.C. Canada – that you cannot be stopped in the street by a cop and be searched. If you encounter a road block or check point in the city, you do not need to submit to a search without a warrant.
Have a great Canada day… and Peace out.