Summer Fun Food Drink Chapter 3 My New Canada

Canada as weekend Police State Toronto G8 G20

Yup. Pretty much sums up the New Canada.

A gentle reminder for those folks who will be celebrating Canada Day in the Victoria area – and leaving their vehicles at home – and doing the right thing by taking cab or B.C. Transit to their destinations…

You do not have to consent to a search of your person or belongings while celebrating Canada Day. You have every right to move from place to place in the Capital region with sealed wine, beer or liquor on your person. Open liquor is obviously another matter.

If you are unsure about this, read the 2008 report within the Commission for public complaints against the R.C.M.P.

This applies to the Victoria police, the transit authority as well as other regional and community law enforcement agencies.


One response to “Summer Fun Food Drink Chapter 3 My New Canada”

  1. Colin Newell Avatar

    Apparently I am wrong above – Imagine that. The BC Transit system is like SAVE ON MEMORIAL center in Victoria. If you show up for a Salmon Kings game with a “Jack Bauer” man-bag, the front security can look into it – much like they can have a female officer look into a woman’s purse. What the cops cannot do is set up check-points stopping cars or pedestrian traffic – that is a clear violation of the Charter rights. If you are on foot in downtown Victoria, there is no such thing as a “booze” free zone. As a pedestrian or motorist you cannot be impeded without just cause. So you know.