Rites of Spring #13 – Food safe shout out and bones to pick

Food safe wash hands avoid places that do not followAlthough I am by no means a germ junkie or bug fanatic, I do appreciate restaurants that, at least, pay some lip service to sound food safe practices.

And a big shout out to Eugene’s Greek Deli that so takes this issue seriously that they have a wash basin right by the POS (Point of Sale) cash register.

They have a star rating on the CRDVIHA Health Inspection agency web-site – check it out for yourself.

So. I not only get to enjoy some great Greek grub, but also, I do not need to worry about paying some mysterious price later on the next day with tummy troubles.

And as much as I would love to rat out my favorite ice cream parlor in downtown Victoria that is only open in the Summer time… and their virtually non-existent food safe policy…

“Go on Colin”, you ask?

Well. OK. There is an ice cream parlor downtown… and the owner handles fists full of cash and never washes his hands as he shuttles between ice cream cones and money. It is so disgusting that I am almost tempted to go have a fake ice cream at the Beacon Drive In… ain’t there yet.

Anyway. If you know who I am talking about, go check it out for yourself.

Any place that handles money and food… there has to be a splash interval between those 2 activities. Check out the diagram above.

Happy Friday everyone!