Rites of Spring #5 – Love is in the air and so on

Spring in Victoria B.C. is for lovers... and the lonely

In April 1993 I sailed the B.C. Ferry into Active Pass heading for Vancouver… possibly for the last time… for, you know, romantic reasons.

I’m visiting a girlfriend in Vancouver. I look around the busy and crisply new Spirit of British Columbia for faces in similar situations… you know, gals that are traveling to Vancouver to visit boyfriends.
And wouldn’t it be interesting to simply wave a magic wand and take us folks that are crossing a body of water to visit a significant other… and just match them up with eligible folks on the Island.

In 1993 it would have been quite a sound environmental initiative – a reduced carbon footprint long before the term was ever used.

Out on the passenger desk, I sniff the April air deeply as an older B.C. Ferry comes into the pass… ostensibly heading to Victoria… doing the same thing – reuniting family, friends… and lovers.

I actually met the woman of my dreams in 1993 on or about April of that year. In Victoria no less.

And at a time when I realized that the long distance one in Vancouver was running out of steam.
And the funny thing was, since I was 12 years old I kind of had a solid visual in my mind’s eye as to what she (my future wife) would look like. And it was as if in the intervening years we were slowly moving closer together in space and time.

By the Fall of 1993 I knew that I had met my life-long soul mate. Within a few weeks of our first serious date in the summer of 1993 we were engaged… and married in the Summer of 1994!

In the year 2010, it is as if we have only just met. We’re lucky. I know it. Few couples are this blessed.

I have a colleague, a few years younger that me… a great guy – and he is waiting for the woman of his dreams to arrive. And yes, he has been waiting longer than I ever did. Decent guy. Athletic. Full time job. Cleans up well. Never married. No kids. No baggage. And sadly alone and lonely. Especially on the weekends… in April.

I spoke to him this week… and I said:

“Have you visualized the woman of your dreams?”

And he said…“Well, yeah… of course…” His expression was one of Dude, what are you leading up to here?

I followed up with: “Do you know or do you ever think about… where she is right now?” “I mean, when you think about it… I am sure she exists… you just have not met her yet, yea?”

He said…“No, I have never thought about it like that…”
And I concluded…“Then maybe you should… and think about where she might be… because time is passing… and she is alone… and lonely… on a beautiful April day… in the year 2010.

Today… right now… is for lovers… and the lonely.

My wish is that we all get together – because it is just too beautiful out there to enjoy it alone.

So get out there. Love is in the air. She (or He…) is waiting… Watching…
For you.


3 responses to “Rites of Spring #5 – Love is in the air and so on”

  1. How to make coffee Avatar
    How to make coffee

    Wow, inspiring post here! I guess the hard part is to make love last a lifetime… it sure is fun to find it in the first place though. After that, it’s WORK.

  2. Lorraine Y. Pawlivsky-Love Avatar

    ‘Cleans up well’ usually translates (to those of us who’ve raised boys) that Dad and/or Mom didn’t instill the value of grooming and hygiene to their sonny-boy, before he got into his teens. This dude might be one great guy underneath the sweat, dental plaque and greasy follicles…but a potential romantic partner, alas will never have the opportunity to find out because the physical senses do will NOT allow it.

    As a single woman who is romantically inclined towards males, I can tell you that for me to get ‘into’ the dating scene means I gotta find the guy physically attractive too…which is that ultimate combo of the senses and the main sex organ…the brain!!! He’s clean, he has great oral hygiene, and he’s already starting to raise my temp! Add the great sense of humor, NO bitter musings about ex-ANYONE!…a couple of bucks to pay for dinner (anything creative) and well, there you go GUYS!

  3. Colin Avatar

    You, dear lady, should write an online advice blog for the lovelorn… definitely… I will insist on it. The World needs you.