I am a bit of a fan of rabble.ca as well as some other left leaning websites, like TheTyee.ca and Georgia Straight online – heck, I was an impressionable 9 or 10 years old when I first peeked at this crazy looking weekly in the late 60’s with its hippie theme, free love mantras and dope decriminalization stance.
And this google search caught my eye today… you know the one where google fills in the blanks for you?
Well this is what it spat out when I typed in “Gordon Campbell”.
Gordon Campbell Hates You
Seriously. And I hardly know the man.
But the general consensus is, if the media (left and left of center is to be believed…):
Gordon hates the poor. Gordon hates the elderly. Gordon hates the weak. Gordon hates children… well, not all children, just children of the poor, elderly or the weak.
And who can blame him? The elderly are a burden to our tax payers – Shame.
To combat the blight of the elderly, he and his car dealing right wing cronies cut where ever they can to marginalize the elderly… and yea, drive them back where they came from…
Parents who are not wealthy create an extra burden by having children that they cannot place in private schools – and as a result end up burdening the taxpayers and province shareholders by sending their little ragamuffins to public schools and demanding stuff like books! Who do these un-wealthy folks think they are?
Do not get me started on the weak. Nothing riles Gordon and I up more than people who cannot hold down one of those great lower-than-minimum wage jobs in beautiful British Columbia. I mean, look what we have done for corporate North America: We have the lowest rate of corporate tax and the lowest minimum wage.
And if you are physically or intellectually challenged in British Columbia, Gordon and I have a message for you: Shape up and pull your weight.
Reality: The Gordon Campbell Liberals have systematically, methodically and willingly targeted the most vulnerable in our “Greatest Place on Earth” with cuts to seniors, cuts to schools, cuts to support networks for women in jeopardy while boasting the highest rates of child poverty in Canada and thumbing his nose at the United Nations report on poverty in Canada.
But does Gordon hate you? No.
He fits the description of a sociopath (by the actions of his government…)
So it’s not hate…
More like indifferent contempt.
I hope that knowledge helps my readers.
My name is Colin Newell. I am a Victoria area resident who supports local business and eschews community killing machines like Walmart.
One response to “Gordon Campbell Hates You… No, really.”
I thought here is everything about coffee..;) as for Mr. Campbell, you are probably right. But the fact of the matter is Campbell just does not care, as a matter of fact, he is completely indifferent to, and has no concept of the common weal.He has only one goal, and that is to hand control of the Province over to international corporations, that in his warped belief are the most efficient managers. Nothing will change his mind, not even this economic mess, created by these efficient managers.
nice try on the link placement you doofus…