The Canadian Winter Olympics are in full swing. All eyes on the ice nation above the 49th parallel.
And although lots of people are making fun of the Canadian experience – as if they know the difference between a Canadian and a… well… someone else.
What exactly is it to be a Canadian?
Beyond the eh jokes… and the I’m so sorry jabs.
Beyond the Stephen Colbert schtick.
Beyond The Simpsons or Family Guy lampooning a Canadian courtesy of a Canadian writer living in L.A.‘s impression of the Canadian experience.
Beyond The Guess Who belting out American Woman.
Beyond William Shatner.
Beyond Tom Brokaw trying to explain Canada to an unwilling nation south of the 49th parallel.
Beyond Bryan Adams and Nelly Furtado miming and syncing into switched off microphones at the 2010 Olympiad open ceremonies…
What distinct thing defines the Canadian being? A few ideas…
Stopping to talk to an elderly gentleman wandering the sidewalk – who seems lost and returning 12 minutes later to find that he has been in a no-injuries car accident and making sure he is OK.
Waiting for the police car.
Running into a lovely Olympian from a few years gone by and flirtatiously asking her how often she is recognized…
“As often as I smile…” she quips.
Slowing down the car to yield to a full size deer that seems to be having difficulty crossing a slippery urban street.
Running into the governor of California and after simply raising an eyebrow and smiling getting a Austrian accented “Thanks for not making a big deal…”
Being beneath the radar is Canadian. Being above the radar is Canadian.
Being in a room full of people taking a collective sigh that legend Gordon Lightfoot is alive and well is, well, ever so Canadian.
That we don’t actually have a Canadian Idol is really Canadian. Figure it out.
Not really being able to explain the Canadian essence…