1st ever Latte Art throw down for Haiti – in Victoria at DISCO

Rob Kettner rocks the house at the 1st ever Latte Art throw down for Haiti!

I had the pleasure of watching all of Victoria’s coffee passion packed into one room at Discovery Coffee on Discovery Street…
and I got to judge a round. How about that.

Tonight in Victoria.

Everyone was there and the love was in the air.
There was enough zippy coffee groove to knock small planets out of their orbits. But that is not why we were there.

A good dozen or so of the Island’s best baristi duked it out for the Earthquake ravaged country of Haiti – and we raised almost $1000.

The winner was one of the lovely and charming gals from DISCO on Oak Bay Avenue – runner-ups included Geir Oglend of the Drumroaster in Mill Bay.

More photos here