Fall Colors Canadian Style 2009 WBC Regionals Victoria results

Results from Da Vinci center on Bay Street in Victoria B.C. Canada

1. Kyle Straw from Cafe Artigiano Vancouver 628 pts
2. Spencer V from JJ Bean Vancouver 624 pts
3. Derek Lucas from Buon Amicis Victoria 608.5 pts
4. Rob Kettner from Fernwood Victoria 599 pts
5. Ian from Habitat 474.5 pts
6. John Orn 465 pts

Seen in passing: Reg Barber with a mile wide smile, Logan Gray, John Riopka, Geir and Carsen Oglend, Sam Jones of 2% Jazz, Andrew Khoo of Khona Coffee, Curtis of Sounds Like Coffee, Paul Reimer of Disco, Sammy Piccolo at all times and in all places, Rob Kettner competing and kicking ass, Derek Lucas making the Victoria crew proud, Ken Gordon of Street Level looking as ultra-cool as anyone can, The ever friendly Oughtreds, inventor of the London Fog – Garreth of Canterbury Coffee, Mickey McLeod of Salt Spring Island Coffee, David Evans of The Stick looking taller still, Shane of HABIT looking slightly less tired than yesterday, Tristan Mapstone of DRUMROASTER being real, Mark Engels of Bubbyroses Bakery, Mark Prince with cameras around his neck, Ryan and Christie Taylor of Cafe Fantastico, my dear wife with a good book in her hand, Gina Lucas glowing with pride, and so on and so on…

More as I remember.


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