Fall Colors Canadian Style 2009 Surprises from the B.C. throne speech

An empty-pocketed B.C. government said in its speech from the throne Tuesday that it will get its health authorities, boards of education and Crown corporations under the microscope… in an concerted effort to find cost savings.

Gotta pay for the 2010 Olympics somehow…

“Shrinking revenues will by necessitate curbing our discretionary spending,” the government said. “Our fiscal cupboard is bare and currently hangs on a wall of deficit spending.”

F*cking ha, f*cking ha, f*cking ha ha.

Let’s look at how the Liberals have tightened their belts the last few years…

Liberals out to the screw the province of British Columbia real good

  • Gordon Campbell gave himself a hefty 54 percent raise in 2007, and under his watch, CEO’s of crown corporations have seen their compensation skyrocket by as much as 166 per cent. Nice. Appropriate. Responsible.
  • Gordon Campbell gave his deputy ministers a hefty pay raise in 2001 and another in 2006, promising not to do it again for four more years.
  • Broke his promise two years later, giving his deputy ministers another raise and opening the door for an increase of up to 43 per cent in 2008.
  • In February 2008, the public winced when Campbell’s TransLink board voted themselves a 500 percent pay raise. Have to attract good people.
  • A few weeks later, the premier’s BC Ferries commandants received an increase of up to 60 percent — on April 1, 2008 – the same day ferry fares were increased for British Columbia residents.
  • In 2008, more than 50,000 British Columbia residents worked for minimum wage or less. We need to attract good help after all.
  • Since 2001, Campbell has raised the salaries of deputy ministers three times.

Lying f*cking bastards.
Gotta pay for the 2010 Olympics somehow.

The upside was the announcement that cell phone use while driving might be banned in British Columbia. The downside: The ill conceived and poorly received harmonized sales tax concept is probably a done deal.
Lot’s of luck with the recall folks.