Summer Food Fun and Drink Chapter 11 The downside of twitter

Here’s the thing. If I could sprout an extra lobe in my brain and actually incur the ability to distill my more cogent thoughts down to 140 characters…

I probably still would not twitter.

Because I just typed 140 characters and I haven’t said a golly dash thing!
And you know it.

A lovely young lady (and that fact is irrelevant) that I passed on Friday (on campus) mused that she twitters – but is pretty sure that…

a.) She has no followers
b.) No one would really care about what she wrote anyway.

And yet I know for a fact that she is usually surrounded by a gaggle of young men…
and she talks a lot to them.
And they listen with rapt interest.
Because she is interesting.
And pretty. Not that this indelible fact matters.

There are a couple of other nagging problems with twitter (and, oh yea… Facebook).
They are over run by corporations. We know that Facebook is merely a data mining site used by the man to get more marketing info on us consume-droids.
And now large corporations are signing into twitter because they think it’s hip and it’s marketing ore rich for refining.

It is about as hip as my grand-dad rapping with Dr. Dre.

Bottom line – there is nothing useful anyone can say in 140 characters or less. And when millions and millions are doing it – it just makes it less relevant than space dust.
My opinion.


2 responses to “Summer Food Fun and Drink Chapter 11 The downside of twitter”

  1. Colin Newell Avatar

    The other thing I notice about tweets – and I have been reading a few…
    Is that they don’t mean a f*cking thing…

    Example: and u! Going to dream about that seaweed thing. RT @highheelprncess mr chow is yummy…esp with jewel….virg…and nia…

    Without context, tweets are useless – they do not stand alone and without a whole lot of subsidiary reading – they are pointless.

    WTF! ROTFLMAO! Seriously!

  2. Jennifer Avatar

    Another good example…

    How does a soulless corporation twitter?