Andrea and I saw John Fogerty at the Save On Memorial center last night.
And thank heavens for ear plugs! A very lively 64 year old Fogerty rocked the house with a back-up band that was easily half his age.
And how old was the average person at this show?
Think canes. Think walkers. Think… old!
Looking around the room, I saw a clear majority of grays at this gig. Over 60’s. And lots of freaky looking guys and gals who looked frozen solidly in the rubric of the free love manifesto.
Which is good. Because I am about 15 years junior to this lot.
Speaking of age and wisdom: 73-year-old Peter Scott, of Vancouver, is a letter writer. He reads something he doesn’t like in a newspaper – he cuts out the offending article, stuffs it in an envelope, jots his thoughts on the outside in black felt pen and mails it to the object of his ire.
Which is OK if you are sending diatribes to your MLA or Prime Minister – sending snotty notes to VANOC or the IOC might get different results… as it did recently for Peter.
Two police officers from the Vancouver 2010 Integrated Security Unit showed up at his Surrey abode and in their hands was a photocopy of the envelope he’d sent to the Olympic committee. Not surprising, they had a few questions for the decorated veteran. Peter also doubles as a mall Santa in the winter time.
Discussions at the coffee table this morning were somewhat mixed. Some expressed disgust. No one was indifferent to the supposition that perhaps we do live in a police state.
Personally, and having worked for the military industrial complex some 20 years ago, I am kind of on the fence on this issue. I am not surprised that we have a task force that checks up on people… who may be a threat to social order… or a threat to the establishment – whichever form it takes.
Although I am the number one “2010 Olympic” ranter on google, I do not think for a second that anyone would ever challenge my right to make some of the assertions that I do – and nor do I think I will be getting a visit anytime soon from the task force. The difference between them and I being: I am an employed writer and journalist… and rabid taxpayer. And as ascorbic as I can be at times, I hold down a job and keep this ship afloat. So there. Nyah!
But if I did get a visit from the men in Blue?
I would be delighted to talk. Think of the mileage I would get out of that blog week!
Afterthoughts: Olympic issues have been removed from Freedom of Information laws. Through the Freedom of Information act you can ask for any information on your government, but not on VANOC. Now that’s control baby! And the good folks at VANOC wonder why they are viewed in such a suspicious light most of the time.
One response to “As Solstice approaches – You will get in trouble with the man”
British Columbia’s Crown-owned utilities company wants customers to cut their energy consumption to help power up the 2010 Olympic Winter Games.
BC Hydro is looking for 210,000 British Columbians who will agree to conserve electricity usage by 10 per cent, or about 92 gigawatt-hours, to make up for the electricity needed for next year’s Olympics.
Dr. Emmett Brown responds…
“Marty! 92 Gigawatts! You might find that kind of power growing on trees! But not in British Columbia!”
WTF. Gimme a break.