Spring into long weekend gas price gouging on Vancouver Island

Gas prices in Victoria B.C. Canada - taking it up the wazooSynchronized gas price increases on a Canadian long weekend – As reliable as gravity. They come like sunrise. And Spring showers.
And this weekend is no exception.
Every gas station on Southern Vancouver Island raised their prices within minutes of each other – from about 102.9 to 106.9. Snap. Just like that.

But how does this work?

We asked a master mechanic and long time employee at a local Petro-can station.

“Gas prices in Victoria are set automatically… by a supplier in Vancouver. On a system called Viper. It is an auto-dialer. Electronic. Every gas station gets the exact phone call at the exact same time… regardless of the levels in their tanks. This is the way it has been on South Island as long as he can remember. “

They raise the prices. We get screwed. Rinse and repeat.

Petro-can employee continues…

“Tri-mac is the trucking company that delivers the gas… but it is one supplier in Vancouver… at the terminal… that calls the shot. Price fixing? Sure it is. But there is no one in government (or the media) with big enough stones to tackle the problem.”

Free market system at work I guess. More of a racket as I see it.
Anyway. The upside for me? I drive less. Or maybe a bit slower. And smell the roses… if and when they bloom.
With a little imagination we can give the finger to big oil. Boycott one station or another. Pay in buckets of pennies. Walk more. Take the bike. Car pool. Or give up your car entirely if you can.
I did not actually own my first car until I was 40. And I had my license when I was 19. That was my way of sticking it to the man. Nowadays, I actually need a vehicle – with aging parents and all… and actually wanting to live a little.

So. We live with it. Begrudgingly.


7 responses to “Spring into long weekend gas price gouging on Vancouver Island”

  1. colin Avatar

    Less than 48 hours after this “illogical” price increase, some stations have dropped back down to 102.9


  2. colin Avatar

    107.9 magically today! Once again, the criminal element in the gas distribution syndicate strikes…

  3. jeanie sepin Avatar
    jeanie sepin

    You have it easy. Gas in Alpine, CA was $269.9 (dollars) for regular yesterday. Haven’t checked today, but I’m sure the guys in charge were going for $3 by the Memorial day holiday. (This week-end).

  4. colin Avatar

    107.9 in Victoria and 98 cents/liter in Mill Bay a scant 20 miles away.

  5. jeanie Avatar

    Prices are ranging between $275.9 and $279.9 today.

  6. Leanne Allen Avatar
    Leanne Allen

    Interesting discussion and I like the end of your blog – the part about “walk more…give up your car entirely”. That is what I have just done – sort of. I take the insurance off my car in the summer, use my electric scooter around town and for work, and use our second car for longer trips. So I say to all you monster-truck/SUV drivers; see! it is possible to make a difference, sans transit, out here in the sticks!

  7. colin Avatar

    I did not own a car until I was 40! (Got my license when I was 19…) – but I have always lived in town. What do I do now? Well – I drive a zero-emission-vehicle (A Honda Civic) – and generally only locally.