If I never blogged another sentence about coffee culture, specialty coffee and the pop culture associated with the scene in the North-west…
I certainly would not be missed. Especially when there are spot-on blogs like Clean Hot Dry
Like the Jim Seven blog, Clean Hot Dry brings home the reality of the sheer sexiness of the coffee scene in Vancouver – the life and times of the baristi in Vancouver – and Clean Hot Dry speaks to the best of the best across Canada and America.
And when I return to Vancouver for a week in June, I am going to have my work cut out for me getting caught up – of course I will have the assistance of my two key associates there; Dave and Theresa.
Anyway Clean Hot Dry reduces the essence of the Vancouver coffee scene to a sweet, sweet ristretto stream of consciousness – I love it and I think you will too.
In other thoughts, I am thinking of finally abandoning the multi-threaded theme of this website; coffee, food, rants, miscellany – and just focusing on Coffee and Food Culture in the Northwest.
If there are any objections, raise them now in the comment fields.
Click on the above image for the full photizzle…
Colin Newell is a Victoria resident and writer of words… his search for the perfect cup of coffee is on going