Winter follies countdown to Hawaii boast #6

In the likely event that you are bored and want something to listen to, check out my Buyers Guide to Coffee Stuff Parts 1, 2, and 3…

Talking coffee culture Buyers Guide Chapter 1

Talking coffee culture Buyers Guide Chapter 2

Talking coffee culture Buyers Guide Chapter 3

It’s all a load of fun and sure beats the tedium of reading my articles!

Currently it is an unusually cool -6 Celcius outside, -16 with the wind-chill. Which is unusual because the average winter temperature in Victoria B.C. Canada is 42 degrees (F). Friends to our immediate south assume that North of the 49th parallel is a frigid wasteland… Well, it sure as heck is today.

That we are headed to Hawaii on Friday is little consolation if the air particles themselves freeze in place.