Too dangerous to fly – Too innocent to arrest 3

Take your flight list rules and shove them you dumb f*ck!The U.S. government has angered Canada’s airlines with a proposal to order them to hand over personal information about passengers who take flights that go south over U.S. airspace en route to sunny destinations.

Although the planes wouldn’t take off from or land on American soil, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is proposing that Canadian carriers send passenger manifests up to 72 hours in advance of departures to popular winter escapes such as Mexico and the Caribbean.

Uhm. Uncle Sam? Get stuffed.
No, seriously. Get stuffed.

The U.S. does not have a right to our personal information and should not get any cooperation on this issue. It is as simple as that.

We already have a no-fly list that was largely cooked up by the current U.S. administration and swallowed in obsequious genuflection by a largely conservative Canadian government.

No. A thousand times no!

Our American brothers and sisters would be well served to get onside with us on this – as it is the case that many open-minded Americans now travel to a free Cuba via Canadian shores. Those brave souls would then be under the scrutiny of a hawkish and hegemonic bureaucracy.

Save us.