Alistair Butt and Alistair Butt both have the same problem — they can’t fly because of their name.
One Butt is a 15-year-old Ottawa boy — a star athlete and 2003 Ontario junior citizen of the year. The other Butt is a 10-year-old home-school student from Saskatoon who just finished Grade 4.
Both Butts were barred from their flights after their name popped up on a no-fly list, which is intended to flag airline security threats.
Canada’s no-fly list in an obvious waste of time and money that will do nothing for aviation security.
What’s more, when one of the Butt parents asked what they could do to fix this situation they were told:
“…perhaps it would be best to change the child’s name.”
Why? Because the child could be barred for flying for life.
And he will never be told why.
Because it’s a secret.
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