Gas prices in Victoria – 5

Gas prices in Victoria B.C. Canada - taking it up the wazooIn a remarkable turn of events, I have just been mailed a list of future gas prices in the Victoria area.

This is truely incredible. It appears to have come from an industry insider… an obviously confidential document… describing sceduled price increases for the Victoria area right down to the decimal point…

Wow. Check this out readers:

May 25, 2007 – 131.5 / litre regular
May 31, 2007 – 134.9 / litre regular
June 7, 2007 – 136.9 / litre regular
June 21, 2007 – 142.5 / litre regular

Geepers. I could go on… but it would not be in my best interest to reveal more… this document uncovers what the gas prices in Victoria will be through the summer right into September.

I would be putting my life in danger by telling you what the gas price will be in the first week of September.

On a more serious note… CAA insiders claim that these all too obvious pre-long-weekend gas price increases are more than a little suspicious.

Cathy Hay, senior gasoline market analyst at MJ Ervin and Associates in Calgary, said most gasoline markets are pretty close to peak prices and the notion that gas prices jump prior to a long weekend is an urban myth.

An urban myth huh? Right..


4 responses to “Gas prices in Victoria – 5”

  1. Cheryl Avatar

    Mailed? As in piece of paper? I’d love to see it (yes, even the September price).

    Hmm. Mike figured that rather than “don’t pump gas today” we should convince people to pump small amounts into their tanks like a litre’s worth, and pay with $20 bills. It would tie up the pumps a little but would tie up the clerks a lot. I dunno if it would prove anything though.

  2. colin Avatar

    Spoof Cheryl! Spoof!
    What I have heard this morning is — in light of the fact that Salt Spring Island residents are tolerating $1.40/litre prices in Ganges (and this is the oil company using the Island residents as guinea pigs…)prices in Victoria will be up to $1.40/litre within 10 days… some 40 cents a litre above average for Canada. I am not entirely sure why the Canadian oil industry has picked British Columbians to experiment on… Let me tell you — I would like to run a few experiments of my own on some of these robber oil barons!

  3. Lt. Murnau Avatar
    Lt. Murnau

    It’s May 24th and gas is 122.5/litre. I think you have been spoofed yourself.

  4. Consumer Affairs ID 4856030221 Avatar
    Consumer Affairs ID 4856030221

    Well it is now 2008 and everyone can look back and see what nonsense this was!