I can see the visitor stats on this web site – they look pretty good. Generally on the increase. Last time I checked, this blog has about 5000 unique visits per month. Pretty modest stuff and it gives me hope. I tend to get a 2-3 % increase in visitors every month.
But am I on the right track?
Please take a moment and place your vote below. I need a bit of feedback. Do you read this blog regularly? Is there anything of interest here? Is my writing compelling in any way.
Now is the time to speak out. Thanks.
One response to “Poll time”
It was a very hot and dry day when I was visiting my sister in law’s second cousin’s daughter. She asked me almost the same kind of question, except with slight modification: Is it right? Where am I going? Is it worth it?
I tell to her: Fotoula (this is her name). Fotoula, when I set foot to make a voyage, I don’t ask every kilometer for directions! I go…I go!
straight with blinds on, like a horse. If I get lost, I will know soon enough. If I fall in a ravine, someone will help…or maybe not. The point Fotoula is this:You do what you gotta doo. If people don’t like it, they gonna tell you soon enough. Now finish those dolmas and bring me more retsina.
I hope that this answers your question Iasou!