I know some pretty talented people.
Lot’s of them.
I am an average guy and I tend to gravitate towards the bright ones.
Learning by osomosis I hope.
Then there are those with some extreme talents.
Elizabeth Wegerif is one of those extreme talents.
What does she do? Well, she is an artist.
An artist with super-human abilities.
She can look at any photo or object and within minutes or hours produce a duplicate of it in virtually any medium; paint, crayon, acrylic, digital. Makes no difference to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth has helped me out in the past. You know, fine tuning the look of some of the web-pages I do.
She has one of those special talents artistically – You know. The ability to see between the molecules
and electrons of the paint in the palette… and then to reproduce it flawlessly.
Quick remarkable actually.
Check out her stuff.